Handbook of Laparoscopic Surgery 2 Edition

This is the second edition of a handbook addressed to Obstetrics and Gynecology residents and young attendings, who are starting to elaborate on laparoscopic surgery. It does not aim to present new techniques neither to illustrate the history and evolution of laparoscopic surgery. On the contrary we attempted to create a comprehensive text able to provide the minimum knowledge for one to operate safely and with confidence. We believe that a minimum proficiency in laparoscopy is necessary for every new gynecologist.
We have made a conscious effort to make this handbook as short as possible. We estimate that this handbook could be read through within 24-48 hours and then repeated as needed. It is designed to reside in every resident’s pocket and not his library. To stimulate further studying a list of suggested literature can be found at the end of each chapter. In the recent years laparoscopy has been used more and more in the management of gynecologic cancer we felt that is was necessary to allocate a significant portion of this handbook on the laparoscopic management of gynecologic malignancies. In addition a chapter on robotic surgery was added. At the end of this handbook the reader can find algorithms regarding troubleshooting and management of emergency situations in laparoscopy. These tips originate from the author’s experience with at least 5000 laparoscopic procedures during the last 20 years.

With warm personal regards,
Nikos F. Vlahos MD, FACOG
Nick Lambrou
Edward E. Wallach MD

Έτος έκδοσης: 2023


Παράδοση σε 1-3 ημέρες

Διαστασεις (cm) :
  • 14x21
Εξώφυλλο βιβλίου :
  • Μαλακό

1 Introduction to Laparoscopy 
2 Laparoscopic Anatomy 
3 Equipment in Laparoscopic Gynecologic Surgery 
4 Βasic Techniques in Laparoscopic Surgery 
5 Anesthesia Considerations in Laparoscopic Surgery 
6 Contraindications for Laparoscopic Surgery 
7 Factors Affecting the Safety of Laparoscopic Procedures in Gynecology
8 Laparoscopic Complications 
9 Laparoscopic Management of Benign Adnexal Disease 
10 Laparoscopic Management of Endometrosis
11 Βasic Techniques in Laparoscopic Surgery
12 Laparoscopic Management of Endometrial Cancer 
13 Laparoscopic Approach of Ovarian Cancer 
14 Laparoscopic Approach to Cervical Cancer
15 Ergonomics in Laparoscopic Surgery  Contents
16 Robotic Surgery 
17 Checklists for Laparoscopic Surgery 
18 Positioning of the Patient During Laparoscopy 
19 Vascular Injury During Laparoscopy 


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